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Debugging and Profiling


Extensive run-time checking provided by the Euphoria interpreter catches many bugs that in other languages might take hours of your time to track down. When the interpreter catches an error, you will always get a brief report on your screen, and a detailed report in a file called ex.err. These reports include a full English description of what happened, along with a call-stack traceback. The file ex.err will also have a dump of all variable values, and optionally a list of the most recently executed statements. For extremely large sequences, only a partial dump is shown. If the name ex.err is not convenient, or if a nondefault path is required, you can choose another file name, anywhere on your system, by calling crash_file.

In addition, you are able to create user-defined types that precisely determine the set of legal values for each of your variables. An error report will occur the moment that one of your variables is assigned an illegal value.

Sometimes a program will misbehave without failing any run-time checks. In any programming language it may be a good idea to simply study the source code and rethink the algorithm that you have coded. It may also be useful to insert print statements at strategic locations in order to monitor the internal logic of the program. This approach is particularly convenient in an interpreted language like Euphoria since you can simply edit the source and rerun the program without waiting for a re-compile/re-link.

Trace Directives: with, without

The interpreter provides you with additional powerful tools for debugging. Using trace(1) you can trace the execution of your program on one screen while you witness the output of your program on another. trace(2) is the same as trace(1) but the trace screen will be in monochrome. Finally, using trace(3), you can log all executed statements to a file called ctrace.out.

The with/without trace special statements select the parts of your program that are available for tracing. Often you will simply insert a with trace statement at the very beginning of your source code to make it all traceable. Sometimes it is better to place the first with trace after all of your user-defined types, so you don't trace into these routines after each assignment to a variable. At other times, you may know exactly which routine or routines you are interested in tracing, and you will want to select only these ones. Of course, once you are in the trace window, you can skip viewing the execution of any routine by pressing down-arrow on the keyboard rather than Enter. However, once inside a routine, you must step through till it returns, even if stepping in was an mistake.

Only traceable lines can appear in ctrace.out or in ex.err as "Traced lines leading up to the failure", should a run-time error occur. If you want this information and didn't get it, you should insert a with trace and then rerun your program. Execution will be slower when lines compiled with trace are executed, especially when trace(3) is used.

After you have predetermined the lines that are traceable, your program must then dynamically cause the trace facility to be activated by executing a trace statement. You could simply say:

with trace 

However, you cannot dynamically set or free breakpoints while tracing. You must abort program, edit, change setting, save, and run again.

At the top of your program, so you can start tracing from the beginning of

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